Pressure Mounts on El Salvadoran Legislature to Ban Metal Mining

By Sebastian Rosemont - Photo: Genia Yatsenko 

piezaPressure continues to mount on Salvadoran legislators to ban metal mining in El Salvador. On February 7th, mayors from the Department of Chalatenango, accompanied by leaders of the Association for the Development of El Salvador (CRIPDES), arrived in the capital to deliver a letter to the Legislative Assembly calling for lawmakers to pass a comprehensive ban on metal mining in the country. Their trip to Assembly reflects the growing grassroots support for a national law banning metal mining in El Salvador.

Bernardo Belloso, the president of CRIPDES (a Salvadoran NGO that is part of the National Roundtable Against Mining in El Salvador) said, “For the past several years, CRIPDES has accompanied Salvadoran communities that have taken the initiative to organize municipal referendums to ban metal mining.”  

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El Salvador Church Leaders Fight for Ban on Mining Exploitation


An earlier proposal to block all metals mining in El Salvador has stagnated for years in Congress without being discussed.

The movement against destructive mining activity in El Salvador received a boost Monday as leaders of the Catholic church in the Central American country presented a bill in Congress aimed at blocking mining and protecting citizens from “serious contamination.”

“The objective of the bill is to protect our country and its population from serious environmental contamination, especially of water, an inevitable consequence of open pit mining exploitation,” the archbishop of San Salvador, Jose Luis Escobar Alas, said in a press conference Sunday.

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Letter Submitted to the Legislature to Demand the Return of the Proposed Law Banning Mining

*Karen Rivas: Pax Noticias

“We have presented bill proposals since 2006 focused on the the ban of metal mining,” stated a representative of the Mesa Nacional Frente a la Mineria (National Roundtable Against Mining, La Mesa).

Members of the National Roundtable Against Mining met with the Legislative Assembly to present a letter demanding the return to the study and adoption of the bill that bans metal mining operations in the country.

The organized community groups that work in favor of human, environmental, religious, and youth rights that make up La Mesa were present at the Legislative Assembly.

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FMLN Will Vote for the Ban on the Mining Industry in the Country

* Gloria Silvia Orellana: CoLatino 

“Efforts to have a legislative decree that prohibits mining operations and all of its forms have sprung since the year 2006. As a political party we can say that there are already 31 votes in order to comply with this demand from the population, social organizations, and the Catholic Church,” said FMLN legislator Guillermo Mata during the presentation of an official letter(requesting prohibition) in the Legislative Assembly.

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