Western University Professor Brings El Salvador Anti-Mining Struggle to Canadian Audience

By Tanya Sahni & Erica Wallis

On February 28th, Amanda Grzyb,  associate professor of Information and Media Studies at Canada’s Western University gave a talk as part of an ongoing public interest lecture series, bringing the anti-mining struggle of El Salvador to the Canadian north with an informative presentation.

amandaIn a local library, a crowd gathered to learn about the environmental crisis in El Salvador and Salvadoran efforts to protect precious water resources from transnational mining companies. Having just returned from overseeing an international delegation in El Salvador herself, Grzyb was able to show her audience video footage of Salvadoran community leaders speaking about their ongoing struggles. Bringing the words of community leaders directly to a Canadian audience proved a powerful experience for those watching, and a passionate discussion followed the presentation. The audience was composed of a diverse group of students, professors, and many members of the local community. Also present at the talk were several members of the international delegation that had observed a referendum on mining in the community of Cinquera the previous week, as well as the Director of SalvAide, Alfredo Marroquin.

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Another Town in El Salvador Votes No to Mining

By Aruna Dutt : IPS News

Cabañas, El Salvador, Mar 1 2017 (IPS) - The citizens of Cinquera municipality in Cabañas delivered a resounding vote against mining, on Sunday February 26th, when 98 percent of residents voted in favour of becoming El Salvador’s fifth “territory free of mining.”

“Mining companies have a wide field with major extension in other countries, and often they need to use the comparative law of other countries to be able to apply their practices here in El Salvador. But the truth is that El Salvador is a country so small that industrial mining is not viable,”Attorney for the Defense of Human Rights, William Iraheta told IPS.

El Salvador is the smallest country in Central America, but also has the highest population density, with 300 people per square kilometer. It is also he fourth most vulnerable country to climate change according to GermanWatch, with 95% of the population living in a high-risk zone. READ MORE 

How communities in El Salvador are organizing to block mining projects

Sandra Cuffe : Waging NonViolence

http://wagingnonviolence.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/wnv-cuffe-photo-1-615x461.jpgCommunities and organizations in northern El Salvador continue to organize referendums in an effort to keep their territories free of mining. Established by the country’s Municipal Code as a mechanism for community participation, the consulta popular is an official municipal-level referendum on an issue of local concern that can be invoked by petition if residents are able to gather signatures from 40 percent of registered voters. On the books for years, the mechanism had never been used, but it now plays an important strategic role in the country’s movement against metallic mining. The most recent referendum took place on February 26, when more than half of all registered voters in the municipality of Cinquera flocked to polling stations in four communities. The final tally was along the lines of the four previous referendums on the issue: 98.1 percent of participating registered voters in Cinquera cast a ballot opposing metallic mining exploration and exploitation. The local government will now draw up an official municipal ordinance prohibiting mining in its jurisdiction. READ MORE

Social Movements Demand Blunt Action to Prohibit Mining

Gloria Silvio Orellana: Colatino

"It is clear that OceanaGold does not want to pay, so we have to intervene; the National Police (PNC) and the Prosecutor's Office (FGR) must intervene their assets," said Ricardo Navarro, president of CESTA in rejecting the delay of 8 Million dollars owed to the Salvadoran State by transnational mining company, which lost its litigation before the ICSID.

"We already have serious problems in El Salvador with all the environmental pollution, problems with climate change and mining  on top of that. They (Pacific Rim/Oceana Gold) wanted to steal US$250 million from us and thank goodness that the ICSID said it was clear that El Salvador was right (ruling in favor of the state)," he said.

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