... in prison after being convicted of violence during the Aimarazo.
Aduviri informed that he regrets having accepted Luque as part of the electoral formula in the elections. Instead of instituting the Collasuyo Plan, ...
... to correct the legal situation of the activists. "To date, all the appeals we have presented have not been resolved," regrets Tábora.
German MPs support activists' cause
In a letter to the Honduran ...
By: Gloria Silvia Orellana - CoLatino / Translated by: Samy Beltaief
Xenia Marroquìn, coordinator of Foro del Agua, regrets the decision of the Constitutional Commission to refuse the proposal to reform ...
La Mesa regrets that none of the many political parties running for election include environmental issue as a priority for a national agenda, considering that El Salvador has high levels of social and ...