La Mesa: Our life will be at risk if metal mining projects are allowed


Translated from:

Once again Salvadoran organizations organized under the National Roundtable against Metallic Mining took to the streets to reiterate their full rejection to metal mining in the country.  On this occasion members of la Mesa participated in a simultaneous activity with organizations in the United States, Canada and Australia targeting the offices of the World Bank(WB) to protest a multimillion dollar lawsuit that Canadian miner Pacific Rim launched against the Salvadoran government utilizing a commercial tribunal under its jurisdiction.

The organizers submitted a letter to the Bank endorsed by 300 organizations from 31 countries around the world. The letter asked "to review the role of the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes(ICSID ) and determine if its role supports the mission of the BM to end poverty and promote sustainable economic development in countries of the global south."

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FMLN candidate Sanchez Ceren commits to not exploit metal mining

Environmental movement presented a set of proposals to the FMLN candidate asking for greater commitment on the issues.

Cristian Melendez, LA PRENSA GRAFICA

Translated from: 

The Movement of Victims Affected Climate Change and Corporations (MOVIAC) delivered a proposal to the presidential candidate of the FMLN, Salvador Sanchez Ceren, yesterday in San Isidro, Cabañas. The proposal asks the government to acquire a greater commitment not to allow the exploitation of metal mining in the country, particularly in the department of Cabañas.

The proposal, which was submitted by the MOVIAC, is supported by 10 NGOs. According to Ricardo Navarro, director of the Salvadoran Center for Appropriate Technology(CESTA) and one of the promoters of the proposal, was presented only to the FMLN slate because, "you are within two weeks of being elected and officially proclaimed President and Vice President”.

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Anti-mining leaders asks presidential candidates to make explicit their position on mining

Members of the National Roundtable Against Metallic Mining in Salvador demanded all presidential candidates to publicly state their parties' position on the issue of mining in the country. “Mining is one of the one of the most aggressive industries that harms biodiversity, public health and the environment,” stated a release from La Mesa.

"We demand the ARENA party and its candidate Norman Quijano, to state clearly where they stand on the issue of metal mining in El Salvador," said Edgardo Mira, director of the Center for Research on Investment (CEICOM), during a press conference in front of the headquarters of the right wing party in San Salvador.

Environmentalists are lobbying for all presidential candidates campaigning for the February 2014 presidential elections to endorse a law proposed by the National Roundtable Against Mining to make El Salvador the first country to prohibit metal mining in the world.

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Letter to the Legislative Assembly of El Salvador

Members of the Executive Committee
Legislative Assemble of El Salvador

Dear Members of the Legislative Assembly:

The undersigned members of the National Roundtable Against Metallic Mining in El Salvador, return to you again exercising our right to petition enshrined in the Constitution of the Republic, to establish the following:

1 - The National Roundtable Against Metallic Mining for more than eight years has been informing officials of different institutions government, media, communities affected by different mining projects and the Salvadoran population in general that metal mining is one of the world's most predatory industries due to the use of polluting chemicals such as cyanide, and that its ultimate impact results in polluted waters. According the environmental impact study presented by Canadian mining company Pacific Rim, its el Dorado project located in San Isidro, Cabañas, could be using up to 10.4 liters of water per second, equivalent to about 327, 970.000 liters of water per year.

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