Social organizations demand the approval of Food Security Legislation in El Salvador

By Gloria Orellana, Colatino

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wfdSocial organizations took to the streets of San Salvador to demand the adoption of a Law on Food Sovereignty and to ratify the constitutional reform to Article 69, to recognize the human rights to water and food.

The United Nations decreed that October cada16 commemorate "World Food Day" in order to raise awareness to the governments and peoples of the world on the problems of hunger, malnutrition and poverty that affect large groups of populations.

Doris Evangelista, from the Roundtable for Food Sovereignty, criticized the reluctance of right wing parties in the Legislature to approve the General Water Law and the Food Sovereignty.

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Resistance against metallic mining in El Salvador commemorates International Day Against Open Pit Mining

by Gloria Orellana

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"We are here on this date to join millions of voices around the world in protest the mega mining projects" stated Vidalina Morales commemorating the international fight against transnational mining which causes misery and environmental pollution.

The theme of year's International Day was "Against Mega Mining and in Defence of Life and Water", a day that commemorated around the world to advocate for a world free of toxic chemicals causing the destruction of ecosystems, biological corridors and forests.

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Incoming Minister of the Environment confirms continuation of mining moratorium in El Salvador

Statement signals the posibility of achieving a mining prohibition during the tenure of incoming president Salvador Sanchez Ceren

by P. Cabezas

Incoming minister of the environment and natural resources Lina Pohl, announced at an international forum at the Central American University that her ministry will continue to support the mining moratorium that has taken place in El Salvador since 2008.   The announcement was made at a regional gathering of anti-mining activists in San Salvador organized by the Research Center on Investment and Commerce, a member organization of the National Roundtable against Metallic Mining, La Mesa.

During her speech Pohl acknowledged concerns often raised to oppose metal mining in El Salvador (population density, size of the territory and the precarious ecological balance of the country) to publicly state that she would honor a campaign promise made by president elect Salvador Sanchez Ceren to "maintain the current mining moratorium and to seek solutions to the environmental threats posed by over 48 mining projects located in the border with Honduras and Guatemala” during her term.

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Ángel Ibarra: “We will promote environmental sustainability in the country”

* Translated from

Environmental leader Angel Ibarra, with a career spanning over twenty years working with initiatives in political ecology and environmental management, has been named the Vice Minister of Environment and Natural Resources, MARN during the upcoming  administration of Salvador Sanchez Ceren starting in June 2014 to 2019. 

Angel Ibarra, incoming Vice Minister of Environment"Until a few days ago I was not considering joining the public service as a member of the cabinet, but I accepted the proposal of President Sanchez Ceren; and this means more commitment, greater challenges and better delivery. I do not doubt that we will make a good working team with Minister Lina Pohl at MARN" he confessed.

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